
My name is Matilda, I'm 17 and I live in Toronto. I'm in my final year of high school and I plan to study film in University. I've been watching movies for my whole life, though my taste only travelled beyond Disney movies around the age of twelve. I've worked with the Toronto International Film Festival on the TIFF Next Wave Committee for two years now, as well as various other jobs throughout the facility. The TIFF Next Wave committee programs films and events for young people within in the TIFF Bell Lightbox in Toronto. I write for my school newspaper and am a contributor for I've been interested in film from the get-go. As a child I wanted to act in film, as I grew up I wanted to make films, write films, edit and review them. I love trailers and I think cutting them together would be the funnest thing on earth. I, along with my fellow committee members were interviewed for MTV Movie Night as promotion for the 2012 Next Wave Film Festival. I was cut out of the final airing segment. Bah. I was featured in two news article in The National Post and The Grid T.O. Success! 

The information about everything I've mentioned can be found in the 'Links' tab.


The horror genre is starting to run out of steam. Any fan would agree. There are only so many monsters that haven't been showcased, only so many horrifying situations that haven't been imagined. The evolution of the horror film would have been something really fantastic to watch. I'm too young, however, to have witnessed the likes of Craven, Hooper and Carpenter do the slasher, Romero to do the undead and Donner and Friedkin to make me fear religion. These were, of course, the first names I heard as a young person trying to get my foot in the door of the horror genre. Too many times did the blockbuster clerk tell me I was too young before I moved over to an independent rental place where they believed in enrichment (or didn't give a shit). The farthest back I can remember watching a "scary" film was at the age of 6. It was "The Mummy Returns" with Brendan Fraiser and Rachel Weis and by the end I had tapped into something rather dangerous. Now I can say with confidence that I had checked off most of the basics before I saw the Exorcist, which was in the eighth grade (making me about thirteen). And even then I remember it feeling overdue. But I think it was merely a fascination before that. I wasn't the roller coaster type and I wasn't much of a daredevil in any other respect. I think that somewhere at the crossroads of my newfound love of film and my pre-teen rebellion I became obsessed with horror. Highschool gave me the teeth I needed to then seek out films that I'd heard terrible, terrible things about. There was a brief period where my parents thought I was on the fast track to psychosis which I was in some ways, but I later realized that horror was only a remedy/distraction for. All teenagers are kind of crazy and they find different ways to cope with their imbalances. So this has been mine since the approximate age of six. And now here I am, seventeen years old and trying to cope with the lack of good scares out there today. The only thing I love more that watching them and testing my limits is marvelling at them. So that lays the grounds for this here blog. I hope you enjoy!

I'm under-eighteen which makes a lot of the content of this blog against the advisement of ratings so I neither have the right to be watching these films OR telling you to do so one way or the other. So please proceed with caution. I trust that you know your limits! I'm not going to recognize ratings on this blog because I don't think they're generally in place for the right reasons. Typically I'll warn you beforehand if there is anything particularly unsavory about the film and you can follow your own discretion after that. Yay!

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